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FAO调查 | FAO可持续养蜂风险评估调查

更新时间:2022-10-08 17:01:00  来源:  作者编辑:admin点击次数:11422次



联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)、国际蜂联(APIMONDIA)、FAO动物卫生与粮食安全咨询中心(IZSLT) 共同开展对世界养蜂人进行调研,以监测国际养蜂良好规范、抗菌素使用和抗菌素耐药性方面情况及知识水平。
为便于更多养蜂人的参与,取得良好统计结果,调研设有六种语言版本(英语、阿拉伯语、西班牙语、法语、俄罗斯语、汉语),请大家登录中国养蜂学会网站www.chinaapiculture.org.cn点击 “FAO可持续养蜂风险评估调查”中“Chinese”(汉语)填报即可,截止日期为2022年12月30日。



Subject: HAVE YOUR SAY | Survey among beekeepers to monitor the level of knowledge and awareness on Good Beekeeping Practices, Antimicrobial Use and Antimicrobial Resistance

Sustainable beekeeping is essential to safeguard the livelihood of beekeepers and to produce high quality and safe bee products, which are closely linked to food safety and security. However, in the last decade, the number of beehives has increased by an estimated 13 million worldwide, which could contribute to an increased prevalence of certain bee diseases and may increase the use of veterinary medicines in beekeeping. It is therefore crucial to raise awareness of sustainable beekeeping in terms of responsible use of antimicrobials and appropriate good beekeeping practices, including biosecurity measures.

FAO, together with IZSLT, Apimondia and Appalachian State University, invites beekeepers to participate in the survey, which is aimed at beekeepers to promote global awareness of current beekeeping practices worldwide. The survey is available in all FAO languages via the link below:

[English]    [Arabic]     [Spanish]     [French]     [Russian]     [Chinese]

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